As automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies advance, it’s no surprise employees and organizations have concerns about the future of their work. With the speed of change impacting a multitude of industries and job functions, what role does learning and development (L&D) play in shaping the workforce of the future? According to Training Industry’s 2020 Trends Report, part of L&D’s role is to “reskill and upskill employees at a faster rate, deploying learning experiences that quickly close technical and soft skills gaps and prepare everyone – employees and customers alike – for the future.”
Join this TICE Virtual Conference as we examine topics impacting the future of the workforce – such as closing the skills gap, managing the remote workforce, leveraging advancements in technology and data collection, and emphasizing soft skills training. Sign up for free today to gain new perspectives on how you can prepare your employees and your organization for the needs of the future, today.
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