How to Get Your Manager’s Approval for Training Industry Courses
As a learning leader, it can be difficult to find the resources that will make a difference in your team’s approach to learning and development (L&D). That’s where Training Industry Courses come in. With over a decade of industry research on high-performing training organizations, our courses develop the key competencies you need to excel in your role as an L&D leader.
It can be challenging to make the case that an investment in your development can drive a clear return for the business. Follow the steps below to get your manager on board with your professional development.
Identify the Course That Best Aligns With Your Needs as a Learning Leader
The Certified Professional in Training Management (CPTM™) program is Training Industry’s flagship certification founded in industry research identifying the key processes and practices used by high-performing training organizations. This is a foundational course that will set you up for success across all aspects of the training manager job role. Learn more about CPTM here.
Training Industry’s certificate programs focus on the knowledge and skill sets needed to excel in the following areas:
Training Industry workshops narrow the focus to a specific professional development topic or area of interest to the training manager.
Share the Benefits of Training Industry Courses
There are a number of aspects that set Training Industry Courses apart from other continuing education offerings. All of our courses are aligned with Training Industry’s Training Manager Competency Model™, which defines the core competencies of great training managers. All of our courses contain research-backed content, and are instructed by real-world experts in the training management field. Each course aims to provide professionals with a better understanding of how to meet business needs with training solutions.
Course participants are given access to tools, templates and methodologies that have been uniquely designed to set them — and their organizations — up for success. Lastly, there are many opportunities to network with and learn from other L&D leaders during and after each course, helping you to build your network and make valuable connections in the L&D field.
Explain how Training Industry Courses support both your own professional development goals and those of your organization.
Discuss your training organization’s top challenges and how these can be addressed with the course. These may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- How to ensure your training programs are aligned with business goals.
- How to optimize your organization’s training processes and resources.
- How to assess training effectiveness for better outcomes.
Discuss your professional development plan (PDP) and how this course will help you achieve your career goals.
- Focus on the skills and competencies you are trying to build, how they will contribute to your department and your organization, and how the course will support your knowledge and abilities in these areas.
- Review the learning objectives from the course and share them with your manager.
- Explain how the course will help to improve your industry knowledge, which can lead to improved productivity and higher job satisfaction.
Discuss your plan to participate in the course while balancing work responsibilities.
- Be aware of the cost and time commitment for the course you have selected.
- Explain how you will still prioritize your work duties while participating in the course. If possible, offer to complete course work outside of working hours.
- Mention that Training Industry courses are offered at different times of the day and different days of the week to accommodate different schedules.
Provide evidence as to why Training Industry Courses are the best option.
- Reemphasize that the Training Manager Competency Model™ — which defines the core competencies of expert training managers — is the foundation of all Training Industry Courses.
- Highlight the highly qualified course instructors, who share their real-world experiences in the L&D field.
- Share reviews of the Training Industry course you are looking to participate in.
A Final Tip
Still need some help convincing your manager? Consult with a Director of Professional Development from Training Industry.
Download the Guide
Looking for a guide specific to CPTM? We have a resource template with CPTM Benefits for Candidates and Employers.