It’s challenging to retain a generation of employees who thrive on constant feedback and feel dissatisfied when their performance checks are restricted to a single day or a week in the year. When that generation dominates the workforce across the globe, the pressure to retain the best becomes a task that cannot be ignored.

To find a solution to this problem and to keep up in a dynamic, competitive world, companies from a range of industries have started investing in HR performance systems that bring performance management to the platform employees are most comfortable with: their mobile devices. There are now an array of performance management apps that give control to employees, many of whom are concerned about the lack of timely feedback and one-day-per-year appraisals.

Performance management apps enable continuous feedback and performance ratings. They not only make it possible for employees to receive frequent feedback on how they are performing, but they also give the employers the ability to take necessary action – promotions, training or even dismissal – on time.

Factors like competency development, collaborative assessment, structured feedback and social recognition are just a few benefits of performance management software that has ushered in a revolution in HR . But how do enterprise app development companies devise applications that hold such a big onus? What features do they add to keep millennials working and performing at your organization?

Every feature of the app should be directed toward making appraisals an employee-centric process. With that goal in mind, there are five elements that make a self-service performance management system successful:

  • Agile goal-sharing and management
  • Consistent feedback
  • Achievement notes
  • Mobile access
  • Integration of communication tools

The two that best define a employee performance management system are goal management and feedback. Here’s what each entails.

Goal Management

To support goal management, the app should include several features.

Creation of Goals: The employees should be able to develop their goals and then add measurable milestones toward achieving them.

Tracking Progress: Users should be able to measure their progress against milestones and goals and see what their team members are working on. To make it all the easier, find an app that enables you to integrate your project management software.

Messaging Platform: The app should also have a messaging platform so that employees can have a conversation in real time.

Feedback System

Three features make the feedback pillar effective.

Timeliness: Employees and managers should be able to request feedback from each other instantaneously, using your internal communication platform(s) to notify the users of messages.

One-on-one Meetings: The application should act as a meeting enabler, including the option to add an agenda with notes.

Recognition: Recognition is a must-have. Praising employees motivates them to perform better and makes them more productive. Your app should also be able to pass on recognition to people who have gone above and beyond.

360-degree Feedback: A 360-degree feedback system supports employees, who need feedback not just from their managers but also from their colleagues and, if applicable, their direct reports. For example, the app should enable them to send feedback to everyone they worked with in a project.

These features must be present in your employee performance management application to answer to employees’ evolving performance measurement needs. Now that you know what those features are, you are ready to contact an app developer that can walk you through the process of making your employees more productive and your business more successful.